Hey, we need to talk

About U & i.

Let’s get one thing straight.


UI Design is the cherry on top of intricate & well considered UX Design.



UI Dog is UX Dog with SWAGGER

They co-exist as the same dog. They’re like the dog that loves you AND listens to you. They’re your favorite kind of dog.


Oh, hi there!

Meet UI Dog


They help your sales rise to the top and bring a whole new level of confidence to everything your business is built on.

People follow them, share them, engage with them, and recommend them.

They help you build trust and even determine whether or not people buy your products.

UI Dog means business!

Because UI Dog provides real value by being both pretty and functional.

(And now, for a short aside, similar to a pop-up cookie policy, and possibly just as important)

Quick Q&A with Elné

The use of the word Swagger in the context of UI Dog.

  • No. I always start with thorough UX research to ensure the following:

    • To make sure I’m not accidentally offensive. This could hurt me — and more importantly — the company I‘m committed to doing good work for.

    • Ensure sensitivity cross-culturally and socio-economically.

    • Deep research always inspires the best creative ideas and allows me to design from a place of confidence.

  • Yes.

    • I consulted trusted academic sources.

    • I hosted a small focus group to make sure nobody found the word distressing.

    • I made sure I understood what the word meant in a modern as well as a historical context.

    • [Swagger] or [Swag] definition historically:

      • to walk or behave in a way that shows that you are very confident and think that you are important.

    • [Swagger] or [Swag] definition in pop culture and modern slang:

      • Emanating charisma, confidence, and style all at the same time. Owning the room.

    • Accroding to my research, the word historically represents Confidence, Dominance, and Style. Fun fact: It also has its first origins in a Shakespeare play (hence, why this Q&A is an aside). These are all good things when it comes to positioning an app in the marketplace.

    • Consider: While you might find a human person with swagger arrogant, in the context of an app, some real swagger is needed. You want your app to stand out, be confident that it works well, and if it can be elite in its ratings, well, my work here is done :)

  • Covered all my bases :)

    I always start with…

    • Clear research

    • In-depth information architecture

    • Well-rounded team discussions about all the possible outcomes

    • Make sure the entire team is on board with the same vision

    …and then we can confidently manifest effective, beautiful interfaces that are user-centric.

  • List of Sources:

    • McIntosh, C., 2013. swagger. [online] dictionary.cambridge.org. Available at: <https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/swagger> [Accessed 1 August 2022].

    • Gandhi, L., 2014. Code Switch. [online] Npr.org. Available at: <https://www.npr.org/sections/codeswitch/2014/03/17/290857087/what-do-jay-z-and-shakesepeare-have-in-common-swagger> [Accessed 1 August 2022].

    • Elite Daily, The Voice of Generation Y, 2012. The True Definition Of Swagger. [online] HuffPost. Available at: <https://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-true-definition-of-swagger_b_1837046#:~:text=In%20short%3A%20the%20term%20connotes,or%20dressinhttps://www.huffpost.com/entry/the-true-definition-of-swagger_b_1837046#:~:text=In%20short%3A%20the%20term%20connotes,or%20dressing%20like%20hipster%20dipshits.g%20like%20hipster%20dipshits.> [Accessed 1 August 2022].

    • Jackson, R., 2015. Urban Dictionary: swagger. [online] Urban Dictionary. Available at: <https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=swagger> [Accessed 1 August 2022].

    • Wickman, F., 2012. Did Jay-Z Really Invent “Swag”? The Answer May Surprise You.. [online] Slate Magazine. Available at: <https://slate.com/culture/2012/03/who-invented-swag-and-swagger-jay-z-soulja-boy-brand-nubian.html> [Accessed 1 August 2022].


In a nutshell

Magic happens when UX Design is the foundation and UI Design is the cherry on top :)

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UX/UI Design for Desktop App Dashboard